

We invite you to come find a home as we worship together. There is a special place at BCOG just for you—a place for friendship, a place for learning, a place for enrichment, a place for service, and a place for worship. The primary reason we meet is to focus our attention on God. Each worship occasion is a special time of spiritual refreshment. If you are planning to visit for the first time or looking for a church family to call home, we hope you give us the opportunity to share a worship service with you soon.  

Want to find out more as you plan for your in person visit? Check out one of our live stream services at: https://www.facebook.com/BCOGnow. You can also contact us by email or phone at biltmorecog@gmail.com, church office: 828-274-7351 or Text line: 828-373-2557.

Biltmore Church of God is hosting a Joy Story Toy Drive this year to help those in our community. We have operated a distribution center since September 28th, as a result we have connected with many families in need. We felt encouraged to have an “operation toy drive” to help these families. If you have thought about giving this Christmas, please consider us. You can drop of new and unwrapped gifts to the church or you can give online @ https://bcog.breezechms.com/give/online/?fund_id=1928435 or scan the QR Code. Thank you so much for your generosity. If you have ay questions, contact our youth pastor, Tommy at 828 244 0127.

We look forward to meeting you!



11:00 am Morning Worship
11:00 am Kids Church

10:00 am Midweek Ladies Connect
1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month

6:30 pm Word & Prayer
6:30 pm Wednesday Kid Connect
6:00 pm Youth -Fusion 4:12

Sunday Classes
10:15 am Open Circle Connect (HS grad & up)

Let us know how we can pray for you

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